Interplant’s garden rose varieties ‘Bravo Babylon Eyes‘(pink) and ‘Maestro Babylon Eyes‘ (orange) are the winners of the Golden Medal (Bravo) and Silver Medal (Maestro) at the annual International Competition for New Rose Varieties in Baden-Baden. This event is considered to be one of the most important of its kind in Europe. In fact, enthusiasts see Baden-Baden as the secret rose capital of Germany. The Rose Society Garden can even compete with the renowned trial gardens in Paris, Rome and St Albans, England.

The Babylon Eyes series are compact, single-flowered roses producing a rich display of red, yellow, pink or orange flowers with an eye-catching centre in a contrasting colour. In Europe, Rosa ‘Babylon Eyes®’ produces flowers from March/April until far into autumn, and this shrub rose requires no deadheading. These characteristics – and their unique eye-catching flowers – also make Babylon Eyes roses the perfect choice for use in pots and containers. The introduction of the Babylon Eyes was an immediate success being distinctively different: mass of blooms, continuous flowering, eye catching colours, lush green foliage, compact bushes and strong disease resistance.