Here you will find our complete assortment of Flow Roses. By clicking on a photo you will find the trade name, stem length, vase life, flower production and colour description of each Flow rose.
Flow Roses characteristics
After thousands of crossings and 25 years of experimenting, Interplant has succeeded in creating a new type of rose family that goes beyond the traditional rose: the Flows! This product is being bred exclusively by Interplant. The chosen varietal name, Flow, alludes to the very special and unique flower shape with ruffled petals and refers to the impression of flowing movement as the bloom matures. Once fully opened up, the blooms create a surprising expression, with varying shapes and colour contrasts from petal to petal. The Flows have a sparkling touch and appearance and can also be combined beautifully in bouquets. A long vase life gives consumers the opportunity to enjoy this product for many days.