Since the supply of different large headed spray roses has increased in the last few years, Interplant Roses felt it was about time to start challenging florists to showcase to the floristry world the different designs that can be created using these large headed sprays. Veldhuysen Florists, from Doorn in The Netherlands created the first design to kick-off the “Interplant spray rose challenge”. Interplant chose premium spray rose Galina for this engagement and challenged the florist to make a large bouquet. Veldhuysen Florists are located nearby the Interplant facility and the two have been working together regularly.
Veldhuysen Florists, from Doorn in The Netherlands created the first design to kick-off the “Interplant spray rose challenge”. Interplant chose premium spray rose Galina for this engagement and challenged the florist to make a large bouquet. Veldhuysen Florists are located nearby the Interplant facility and the two have been working together regularly.